Friday 3 January 2014

Interview With RedLlama ^_^

Hi Stalkers reading are blog again well good people so my little sister  wanted me to do a interview with RedLlama because she looks up to her and she adores her so here it is

Q: What type of music are you into?
A: Rock :D I really hate pop music ._.
Q:Do you like the new update that MSP have put in the hashtag system ?
A:No o.o its so pointless and stupid  XDD some of the words they block aren't even rude o.o I liked the old system better although that was annoying too.
Q:So the system with the stars or the locking you out for 5 minutes ?
A: The system with the stars. It wasn't as annoying as the hashtag thing
Q: What type of girl are you are you a top and jeans girl a tracksuit girl or a girly girl ?
A:top and jeans type of person I usually wear converse
Q: What do you think it takes to be a good friend
A: I think that if you want to be a good friend  you have to have believe , trust  and respect  for each other . Also I think that a good friend is always there when the other person needs someone the most .
So that was my interview with RedLlama I hope you enjoy it I know I did . ~Chloe

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