Thursday 2 January 2014

The App Talking Angela -_-

Ok so many of you know I read forums everyday to see the gossip and the most forum I have see of today  is "TALKING ANGELA"TALKING ANGELA!!!" WARNING:TALKING ANGELA" So if you follow RedLlama and her friends blog you should all know you people are going HYPER over it and you should all know its most likely to be a scare like if you have Facebook many of you now there pictures on there that say CLICK LIKE OR THIS PERSON WILL GET YOU TONIGHT so all this is people is a scare  . First thing I know for its 2 be a scare  is IPhones are America and there made in California  so all the apps IPhones  are made in America so some dude is not going to spend like all his dosh getting a nice little plane to say Australia to go do something to a little girl/boy Ok more of you will be like but you can get the app  on Android phones ok I have a Samsung so im just gonna point out Samsung is a Korean Company so if some dude wants to spend his dosh to come from Korea to a place where you live well that's a lot of Wonga. I also know you be like but Sony Ok another thing SONY IS JAPANESE So yeh is he wants to get a plane and spend his money his funeral then you be like but umm Nokia and my answer to that is it was owned by some people in Finland OK PEOPLE FINLAND!! but then it got brought out by windows which is GUESS WHAT!! AMERICAN!! so there is no possible way that some people are gonna save some money up so they can come to where ever you live and yeh because that be like  WHAT!!!

Also another reason why this couldn't be true it that talking Angela is a microphone cat where I think you hold a button and you say something and she repeats it so how in the world of DONKEYS is she asking for personal details.
I rest my case ~Chloe

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