Friday 3 January 2014

Interview With RedLlama ^_^

Hi Stalkers reading are blog again well good people so my little sister  wanted me to do a interview with RedLlama because she looks up to her and she adores her so here it is

Q: What type of music are you into?
A: Rock :D I really hate pop music ._.
Q:Do you like the new update that MSP have put in the hashtag system ?
A:No o.o its so pointless and stupid  XDD some of the words they block aren't even rude o.o I liked the old system better although that was annoying too.
Q:So the system with the stars or the locking you out for 5 minutes ?
A: The system with the stars. It wasn't as annoying as the hashtag thing
Q: What type of girl are you are you a top and jeans girl a tracksuit girl or a girly girl ?
A:top and jeans type of person I usually wear converse
Q: What do you think it takes to be a good friend
A: I think that if you want to be a good friend  you have to have believe , trust  and respect  for each other . Also I think that a good friend is always there when the other person needs someone the most .
So that was my interview with RedLlama I hope you enjoy it I know I did . ~Chloe

Thursday 2 January 2014

I Never Knew That

So I never knew the meaning of this face :3 <<<< Confused But Now I do ........

The App Talking Angela -_-

Ok so many of you know I read forums everyday to see the gossip and the most forum I have see of today  is "TALKING ANGELA"TALKING ANGELA!!!" WARNING:TALKING ANGELA" So if you follow RedLlama and her friends blog you should all know you people are going HYPER over it and you should all know its most likely to be a scare like if you have Facebook many of you now there pictures on there that say CLICK LIKE OR THIS PERSON WILL GET YOU TONIGHT so all this is people is a scare  . First thing I know for its 2 be a scare  is IPhones are America and there made in California  so all the apps IPhones  are made in America so some dude is not going to spend like all his dosh getting a nice little plane to say Australia to go do something to a little girl/boy Ok more of you will be like but you can get the app  on Android phones ok I have a Samsung so im just gonna point out Samsung is a Korean Company so if some dude wants to spend his dosh to come from Korea to a place where you live well that's a lot of Wonga. I also know you be like but Sony Ok another thing SONY IS JAPANESE So yeh is he wants to get a plane and spend his money his funeral then you be like but umm Nokia and my answer to that is it was owned by some people in Finland OK PEOPLE FINLAND!! but then it got brought out by windows which is GUESS WHAT!! AMERICAN!! so there is no possible way that some people are gonna save some money up so they can come to where ever you live and yeh because that be like  WHAT!!!

Also another reason why this couldn't be true it that talking Angela is a microphone cat where I think you hold a button and you say something and she repeats it so how in the world of DONKEYS is she asking for personal details.
I rest my case ~Chloe

Tuesday 31 December 2013


So yes everybody 204 IS FINALLY HERE!! So do you guys have any new year plans or you just like me laptop minecraft msp icecream film and my lovely new bed see guys im not the type of person to celebrate new years but i watched the fireworks and oh my werent they good a little OTT like but who gives a damn look us brits like a bit of oof and we show Sydney Bejing Tokyo how we do it LONDON STYLE so yes im just gonna live 2013 again in a little review 

  • We Have A New Prince Prince George Congratulations William And kate ^_^
  • Poor Nelson Mandela Died R.I.P Mandela
  • Poor Margret Thatcher Died R.I.P Maggie
  • We discovered Twerking.......
  • Gangnam Style
  • Gentleman
  • Harlemshake 
  • The New Iphone Came Out
  • The New Samsung Galaxy Came Out
  • Iron Man 3 came out
  • Despicble Me 2 Came Out          Now Whats 2014 Gonna Bring............? ~ Chloe

Thankyou HotboyJake110803

Hi guys, Chloe here so yes today i wanted to give a "SCREAM AND SHOUT OUT" to one of my friends on MovieStarPlanet HotboyJake110803 so as many of you know yesterday i split up with my msp bf and everyone making a big deal about it and commenting on his guestbook can you please stop! -_- Me and Josh are friends now so you either deal with us being friends or you hit the road Jack . I know you were just supporting me through this hard time but i don't want Josh waking up to see grief all over his Guest Book but yes back to Jake now so yesterday we started talking to him as i saw he likes Olly Murs And I was Like he Knows good music ! But so yes we started talking and im gonna skip the boring bit  so he understood me and because of that i think he deserved a SCREAM AND SHOUT U OUT so yes Jake you have just earned a Shout out . Now im just gonna post  a picture of his profile down below !! Thankyou Jake ~Chloe

I Love My Bffs There the closest thing i have to family

Now this post is something me and my BFFL can relate too.

So Trueeee XDD

To My Dear Besties Kevin ,Bella And Lex

Hi Guys so this is to my BFFL'S Kevin , Bella And Lex  I Love You Both So Much Because Your My Little Unicorns So I Found This For Both Of You And All Of Its  True !