Tuesday 31 December 2013


So yes everybody 204 IS FINALLY HERE!! So do you guys have any new year plans or you just like me laptop minecraft msp icecream film and my lovely new bed see guys im not the type of person to celebrate new years but i watched the fireworks and oh my werent they good a little OTT like but who gives a damn look us brits like a bit of oof and we show Sydney Bejing Tokyo how we do it LONDON STYLE so yes im just gonna live 2013 again in a little review 

  • We Have A New Prince Prince George Congratulations William And kate ^_^
  • Poor Nelson Mandela Died R.I.P Mandela
  • Poor Margret Thatcher Died R.I.P Maggie
  • We discovered Twerking.......
  • Gangnam Style
  • Gentleman
  • Harlemshake 
  • The New Iphone Came Out
  • The New Samsung Galaxy Came Out
  • Iron Man 3 came out
  • Despicble Me 2 Came Out          Now Whats 2014 Gonna Bring............? ~ Chloe

Thankyou HotboyJake110803

Hi guys, Chloe here so yes today i wanted to give a "SCREAM AND SHOUT OUT" to one of my friends on MovieStarPlanet HotboyJake110803 so as many of you know yesterday i split up with my msp bf and everyone making a big deal about it and commenting on his guestbook can you please stop! -_- Me and Josh are friends now so you either deal with us being friends or you hit the road Jack . I know you were just supporting me through this hard time but i don't want Josh waking up to see grief all over his Guest Book but yes back to Jake now so yesterday we started talking to him as i saw he likes Olly Murs And I was Like he Knows good music ! But so yes we started talking and im gonna skip the boring bit  so he understood me and because of that i think he deserved a SCREAM AND SHOUT U OUT so yes Jake you have just earned a Shout out . Now im just gonna post  a picture of his profile down below !! Thankyou Jake ~Chloe

I Love My Bffs There the closest thing i have to family

Now this post is something me and my BFFL can relate too.

So Trueeee XDD

To My Dear Besties Kevin ,Bella And Lex

Hi Guys so this is to my BFFL'S Kevin , Bella And Lex  I Love You Both So Much Because Your My Little Unicorns So I Found This For Both Of You And All Of Its  True !

chloe -.-

hail o.0
imam quitting dis blog cause chloe never stops nagging me to write stuff its so annoying and chloe Idc if u post a video of me I wont be here to see it >.< bai bye everyone

Monday 30 December 2013

Sorry guys -.-
Stop fighting! >o<These guys are fighting over summit silly. there level. Bella is one level higher than Chloe but so what! >-< there just numbers for pete's sake.

You guys are so close that summit like that is silly! I don't rly know u rly well but well enough to say that this has to stop! I'm begging you!

Love from
Black demon123/Fake fang/Kevin :)

Cause this is my reaction from you fighting! >o< It's driving me nuts! 


Its Me Kevin

It's me! Kevin! ^o^

Well I'm actually Black demon123. 

Well? :O i'm ok i guess :D
I'm not evil! It's just a name :D Trust me *devils look*
Anyway :) I don't rly know Chloe or bella ^o^ but there osm!

Add them if u want on msp


Chloe: Bob/Bobsie
Bella: Monkey
Me: BD123/Fake fang (bella made that one up :D)/Kevin (chloe made that one up :P)

Well seeya! I'll see you soon! :P Black demon out! :D

Sunday 29 December 2013

My BFF Quit :(

JAMIES QUIT :'( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my best friend on the whole of msp is gone (no offence  Chloe) I've known you for ages now your gone im lost without you mai heart is truly broken there was no one like you im so glad I was the last one to talk to you before you went 4ever :'( xx

This Was His Account Before He Deleted it :(

These Were His Last Words To Me
So Guys Im Thinking I Should Quit 2 but Should I ?

Shmexxiii Me Bella

So Guys Bella Here I went shopping today on Msp and this was the outcome of my shopping trip!

No Longer Chosh

Hail everyone :3

i wanna tell you about someone which broke chloes heart hes username is Josh203x he is mean ask any of mai friends this is wot he said to chloe and also here is wot he said to me o.0
and here is what he called me so all of his "friends could see how awful i am -.-
i do care about chloe cause she is one of mai closest friends even though she can be really annoying at times so josh leave chloe alone she did nothing wrong to you n your da pathetic on
b.t.w this isn't a hate post its called getting even xx

Milles Back Yay ^_^

hail guess wot :3

millie is back yay !! add her she is amazing she one of my fav person on msp n chloe n kevin of course but yer she awesome B) !!


Kayler121 Is Leaving :o

So Hi Guys Chloe here I just read a couple of  forums and it seems that are popular forum poster Kayler121 has decided to leave and stop trolling us. But incase you didn't see her forums I made this little video/film . Sorry the quality might be really bad because #GAYCAMERA XD!!

Saturday 28 December 2013

The Epic Twinnehs!!

So we was at are other bffs house today and me and Chloe decided to be twinnehs! So in this pic you see us in some forum of same clothing and also doing the same animation !!

~Bella~ ~Chloe~

Its Me Bella


~Hail Im Bella ~

Hi guys , Im Bella you may of heard of me on Chloe's welcome to da blog when she said I probably do one if she didn't keep nagging me about it I probably would of forgot XD!! But yeh im just gonna tell you a little about me self because according to Chloe I kinda have to -_- !. So Im Bella  im 13 years old my bffs are : Kevin ,Chloe,Lex, Josh . I like JLS I like to wind people up ......ALOT!! . Im the second blogger on here there's 3 of us  Chloe (who you already met earlier) Me and Kevin (who you need to yet meet so when she gets her arshe online I remind her well chloes does) also being the nut ball chloe is she gonna post a video on me saying really werid stuff and hiding behind a tree what fun -.- oh no imma running outta room so I LOVE BOXES byeeeee :p
btw that's me n mai epic prfofile :3

Kayler121 Is Back (>_<)

So like I do everyday I always check the forums but when I did this I found that are beloved friend Kayler121 is back
(>_<) So we all remember her other forum about RedLlama if not here it is



Oh well today we had moved on from RedLlama and we have moved onto basically being mean to everyone in general !! . So the title of her forums today were Ungrateful little children! which was basically hitting at the VIPS and her other forum was titanic people are so stooopide! Yup that's how she spells stupid  so yeh her titanic one is basically hitting at the people who a boarded  the titanic! So have fun reading them they will seriously make you blood boil I know they did myne!!!!


To Kevin And Bella

So Guys This Post in mainly for my other 2 Blog Posters I kinda forgot to give them the details for it and Thanks to Msp and there worst idea of putting the hashtag system I cant give it to them over Msp so yeh The email is bellaschloeskevinsmspbloggie@gmail.com


Hi Guys , Im back with another post I did say I be posting again around 2ish and I've not done that bad im only 55minutes past  soYAY!!. So yes I said in my last post that I was gonna explore MSP and I did so many of you should know that they posted a new comp last Thursday and its a new year one considering its 2014 next week!! So I was creating a look for the new comp then I saw these dresses and I was like WTD (BTW that means What The Donkeys) I couldn't believe how much they were so many of you know its really hard to get sc with out either buying a VIP or petting pets (with takes forever) and then there throwing dresses out at 600 Star Coins  I just sat and started at the screen and kept saying to my self you Thieving Little Bstars and on MSP I then I looked at the dresses and then I saw THE HORROR!!!  They were all sparkly and glitterfied !!
And to be honest I don't like sparkly stuff so I was pretty much peeved for the rest of the day UNTIL!! I saw my mum with some cookies then my face was like
 So basically that was my day in a nut shell but now im gonna post a picture of the dresses and then you can see what I mean
 < See!!



Hi Guys, welcome to are blog that is finally up (Thanks Bella For No Help AT ALL!!) Anyway so yeh this is a little introduction to are blog I'm Chloe I do it with 2 other people Kevin And Bella BTW Kevin is a girl its just Me and Bella wanted to name her after the Minion XD ,Well mostly I did .So yeh this is are little blog of basically Msp also known as MovieStarPlanet .So yush now im just gonna tell you a little bit about me "CHLOE" God Help You so.....Im 15 I do play MovieStarPlanet gawd knows why but im leaving soon and you see me again with my youtube account and my Sims 3 Lps but I will come on so I chat to you amazeballs people im trying to make this really short so I don't bore you to death!. So I made this blog but Bella was ment to be because #Isuckatmakingblogs but den Bella decided  she couldn't be arshed anymore so I ended up making it im very sorry if its a piece of poop because yeh #SUCKATBLOGS!! but yeh that's it for now Im posting later  today I think around 2ish when I say that its probably gonna end up 3ish cause yeh JINX myself!! Im just gonna explore MSP and Blogger because im quite new to it and possibly Bella might posting later or Kevin (AKA Black Demon but just call her Kevin XD ) So yeh Byeeeee

My Epic Profile
