Saturday 28 December 2013

Its Me Bella


~Hail Im Bella ~

Hi guys , Im Bella you may of heard of me on Chloe's welcome to da blog when she said I probably do one if she didn't keep nagging me about it I probably would of forgot XD!! But yeh im just gonna tell you a little about me self because according to Chloe I kinda have to -_- !. So Im Bella  im 13 years old my bffs are : Kevin ,Chloe,Lex, Josh . I like JLS I like to wind people up ......ALOT!! . Im the second blogger on here there's 3 of us  Chloe (who you already met earlier) Me and Kevin (who you need to yet meet so when she gets her arshe online I remind her well chloes does) also being the nut ball chloe is she gonna post a video on me saying really werid stuff and hiding behind a tree what fun -.- oh no imma running outta room so I LOVE BOXES byeeeee :p
btw that's me n mai epic prfofile :3

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