Saturday 28 December 2013


Hi Guys, welcome to are blog that is finally up (Thanks Bella For No Help AT ALL!!) Anyway so yeh this is a little introduction to are blog I'm Chloe I do it with 2 other people Kevin And Bella BTW Kevin is a girl its just Me and Bella wanted to name her after the Minion XD ,Well mostly I did .So yeh this is are little blog of basically Msp also known as MovieStarPlanet .So yush now im just gonna tell you a little bit about me "CHLOE" God Help You so.....Im 15 I do play MovieStarPlanet gawd knows why but im leaving soon and you see me again with my youtube account and my Sims 3 Lps but I will come on so I chat to you amazeballs people im trying to make this really short so I don't bore you to death!. So I made this blog but Bella was ment to be because #Isuckatmakingblogs but den Bella decided  she couldn't be arshed anymore so I ended up making it im very sorry if its a piece of poop because yeh #SUCKATBLOGS!! but yeh that's it for now Im posting later  today I think around 2ish when I say that its probably gonna end up 3ish cause yeh JINX myself!! Im just gonna explore MSP and Blogger because im quite new to it and possibly Bella might posting later or Kevin (AKA Black Demon but just call her Kevin XD ) So yeh Byeeeee

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